
    Essity Aktiebolag (publ)

    ESSITY A SE0009922156

    ICB 4520 : Consumer Staples / Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Stores
    Sweden 101 23

    Registration Number 5563255511

    Essity AB is a Swedish hygiene and health company, with its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The products portfolio contains one-use products such as tissue paper, baby diapers, feminine care incontinence products, compression therapy, orthopedics and wound care. Essity was a part of the hygiene and forest products company SCA until 2017, when the company spun off the hygiene operations that became listed as a separate company on Nasdaq Stockholm.

    Founded 1988
    Employees 46000

    Annual Performance 1
    2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
    -12% 9% -7% -10% 17%
    Historical Performance 1
    1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y All Time
    -1% -1% 15% 4% -3% 36% 19%

    1 annual and historical performance metrics are recalculated on a daily basis;
    2 represents the total value of insider transactions (both buying and selling);

    Insider Activity

    Transactions: 1 Insiders: 1

    Person Price Shares Total Published Completed
    Pär Boman
    15/08/2017 11/08/2017
    Integrated EOD Stock Data and Insider Transactions Chart

    Sign in or subscribe to include Essity Aktiebolag (publ) to your watchlist and receive automatic alerts for upcoming transactions.

    The visibility of insider buy and sell transactions on this chart should not be the sole factor in your decision to buy or sell a particular stock. Always consider the following dynamic reports for a broader understanding of stock market activities:


    Last 52W Low 52W High All-Time Low All-Time High β
    294.00 203.50 323.00 0.48
    Company Insiders
    Person / Entity Transactions Turnover, USD Average, USD First Last
    Pär Boman 1 27,048.37 27,048.37 11/08/2017 11/08/2017

    Insiders marked in yellow represent long-term insiders. These are individuals who have engaged in transactions for over 3 years and have conducted at least 10 transactions. When examining transaction clusters, we prioritize those conducted by long-term insiders for analysis.

    Connected Companies 3
    Name ICB code LEI ISIN Ticker
    Aktiebolaget Industrivärden 3020 549300TM1DLIQI3B3T37 SE0000107203 INDU C
    Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA 5510 549300FW5JDRV1IJ0M67 SE0000112724 SCA B
    Skanska AB 5010 549300UINV5RINHGMG07 SE0000113250 SKAB
    Aktiebolaget Volvo 5020 549300HGV012CNC8JD22 SE0000115446 VOLV B
    Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA 5510 549300FW5JDRV1IJ0M67 SE0000171886 SCA A
    Aktiebolaget Industrivärden 3020 549300TM1DLIQI3B3T37 SE0000190126 INDU A
    Svenska Handelsbanken AB 3010 NHBDILHZTYCNBV5UYZ31 SE0007100599 SHBA
    Essity Aktiebolag (publ) 4520 549300G8E6YUVJ1DA153 SE0009922164 ESSITY B

    3 the firms where the current insiders have executed transactions.

    Stock Advanced Metrics
    Discipline Index 5
    Delta Correlation subscribe
    Upper Bound of Standardized Transaction Amount (ubsta), USD 4 subscribe

    4 represents the maximum expected transaction amount for a company's insiders, calculated based on historical data. It provides insight into the typical range of insider transaction amounts and helps in identifying unusually large transactions.

    5 a proprietary metric reflecting the consistency of insider trading behavior within a company. A higher discipline index suggests more regular and predictable insider transactions.
